O'Ecclesia O'er O'er Bogie O'er bogie (Hob XXXIa:16) O'er Earthly Plains O'er Hamlet O'er Hell and Hide O'er Hill and Dale O'er Land O'er Moor, and O'er Mountain O'er th Hills and Far Away O'er the Billowy Sea O'er The Border O'er The Bows To Ballindalloch O'er the Crossing O'er the Deep Blue Sea O'er The Earth O'ER THE ESK (8x32)J O'er the Estuary O'er the gloomy hills of darkness O'er The Hill And Far Away O'er The Hill And O'er The Vale O'er the Hills O'er The Hills And Far Away O'er The Lonely Mountain O'er The Misty Hills O'er the misty park of Haga O'er the moor O'er the moor (comm) O'er the Moor Among the Heather O'er the Moor Among the Heather/The Laddie with the Plaiddie/Mis O'er The Moor And Among The Heather O'er the Moor and Among the Heather - Larry - Gail - Martin Roch O'er the Moor and Amoung the Heather O'er the moor arnang the heather O'er the moore amang the heather Hob XXXI/122 O'er the Mountains O'er the Muir O'er the Muir amang the Heather O'er the Muir Among the Heather -slow air strathspey reels O'er the Muir Among the Heather, Miss Gordon Fochaber, ... O'er the Muir, Amang the Heather - slow air, Athole Brose - stra O'er the Ocean O'er the Rampart - Paper Tiger O'er the Ramparts / Fat Man Gas Balloon O'er the River Jordan O'er the Road I'm Bound O'er the season vernal O'er The Town Of Pedro O'er The Water O'er the Water tae Chairlie O'er The Water To Charlie O'er the Water to Charlie - Sae Braley As I Was Kiss'd Yestereen O'er The Waves O'er The Way O'er TheMoor Among The Heather-Cape Breton Wedding Reel-Brenda S O'er Uncharted Seas O'er Vales That Teem With Fruits: Hector and Harold in Italy O'ershadowed By His Love O'erTheLonelyMountain(1991,Pentangle,England) O'et Sir Stephen (Pierre Bachelet)