
L28 - D1 - El pendiente. L28 - D2 - ¿Dónde lo has encontrado? L28 - HV L28 - T1 L28 - T7 L28 A L28 À la recherche d'un emploi L28 B L28 Budget Deficits and National Saving L28 C L28 D L28 Dialogy l28 lectura cultural l28 preparacion A l28 preparacion C l28 preparacion D L28 Text L28 Una telefonata di lavoro l28 vocabulario del tema A l28 vocabulario del tema B l28 vocabulario del tema list L28-01 / 07 The July Conflict & The Outbreak of War L28-01 Classical-Era Opera--The Development of Opera Buffa L28-01 Nuclear Fission and Fusion Reactions L28-01 Othello 'O Villainy' L28-02 / 08 The July Conflict & The Outbreak of War L28-02 Classical-Era Opera--The Development of Opera Buffa L28-02 Nuclear Fission and Fusion Reactions L28-02 Othello 'O Villainy' L28-03 / 09 The July Conflict & The Outbreak of War L28-03 Classical-Era Opera--The Development of Opera Buffa L28-03 Nuclear Fission and Fusion Reactions L28-03 Othello 'O Villainy' L28-04 / 10 The July Conflict & The Outbreak of War L28-04 Classical-Era Opera--The Development of Opera Buffa L28-04 Nuclear Fission and Fusion Reactions L28-04 Othello 'O Villainy' L28-05 / 11 The July Conflict & The Outbreak of War L28-05 / 12 The July Conflict & The Outbreak of War L28-05 Classical-Era Opera--The Development of Opera Buffa L28-05 Nuclear Fission and Fusion Reactions L28-05 Othello 'O Villainy' L28-06 Classical-Era Opera--The Development of Opera Buffa L28-06 Nuclear Fission and Fusion Reactions L28-06 Othello 'O Villainy' L28-07 Classical-Era Opera--The Development of Opera Buffa L28-08 Classical-Era Opera--The Development of Opera Buffa L28-09 Classical-Era Opera--The Development of Opera Buffa L28.01 Defense Spending and the Uncertainties of the Peace Divid L28.02 Defense Spending and the Uncertainties of the Peace Divid L28.03 Defense Spending and the Uncertainties of the Peace Divid L28.04 Defense Spending and the Uncertainties of the Peace Divid L28.05 Defense Spending and the Uncertainties of the Peace Divid L28.06 Defense Spending and the Uncertainties of the Peace Divid L28/1 L28/Dialog L2801 - Making a Modern Mummy L2802 - Making a Modern Mummy L2803 - Making a Modern Mummy L2804 - Making a Modern Mummy L2805 - Making a Modern Mummy L2806 - Making a Modern Mummy L28a-Neoconservatives&ForeignPolicy L28b-Neoconservatives&ForeignPolicy L28c-Neoconservatives&ForeignPolicy L28d-Neoconservatives&ForeignPolicy L28e-Neoconservatives&ForeignPolicy L28f-Neoconservatives&ForeignPolicy