
L12 L12 - Al + Infinitiv L12 - Ćw.03-05 Dialog - Poszukiwania L12 - D1 - Me levanto temprano. L12 - D2 - Tengo que irme. L12 - Das Konjunktiv in Konditionalsaetzen L12 - Das Konjuntiv in Hauptsaetzen L12 - Der Konjunktiv Plusquamperfekt L12 - Der Konjuntiv Imperfekt L12 - Die Abfolge der Zeiten L12 - Hören und Nachsprechen L12 - instructions L12 - Iñakiren oparia (S.162) L12 - koennen und duerfen L12 - Konversation L12 - Mary Kay Ash - What Do Women Want L12 - Oparia (S.153) L12 - Study 1 Drill 1 L12 - Study 1 Drill 2 L12 - Study 1 Drill 3 L12 - Study 1 Drill 4 L12 - Study 1 Drill 5 L12 - Study 2 Drill 1 L12 - Study 2 Drill 2 L12 - Study 2 Drill 3 L12 - Study 2 Drill 4 L12 - Verben die Praeporsitionen nach sich ziehen L12 - Verwendung des Konjunktivs Imperfekt und Plusquamperfekt L12 - When the Saints Go Marching In L12 / HV L12 / T1 L12 / T2 L12 / T7 L12 A L12 A saúde da mente e do corpo 13 L12 A saúde da mente e do corpo 9 L12 A1 Le Sacre du Printemps - Strawinsky L12 A2a Ein Ereignis, das alles veränderte L12 A2a Neue Lernformen Teil1 L12 A2b Neue Lernformen Teil2 L12 A2b Rhythm is it L12 A3c Verben L12 A4 Versteck dich nicht L12 À la gare L12 B L12 C L12 Contextos, Practica 1 L12 D L12 Dialog L12 Dialog - langsam gesprochen L12 Dialog - Le blues saisonnier L12 Kau mae ni kangaeru L12 Key Sentences L12 Lectura cultural L12 Minagara yaru yo L12 Mustersätze L12 Opening Dialogue L12 p.89 CO L12 Short Dialogues L12 T01 From Quarks to QCD L12 T02 From Quarks to QCD L12 T03 From Quarks to QCD L12 T04 From Quarks to QCD L12 T05 From Quarks to QCD L12 T06 From Quarks to QCD L12 Tienes buena memoria C L12 Una telefonata.2 L12 Übung 1 (1-5) L12 Übung 2 (1-5) L12 Vocabulario del tema A L12 Vocabulario del tema B L12 Vocabulario del tema C L12 Vocabulario del tema list L12 Zdania L12(1) L12(2) L12(3) L12(4) L12(5) L12(6) L12, Konverzace s.283-284 L12-01 A Message For Our Time L12-01 Baroque Opera, Part 2 L12-01 Become Who You Are-Freedom, Fate, and Free Will L12-01 Buddhism in Japan L12-01 Electricity L12-01 Hinduism in the Modern Period L12-01 Judaism and "Others" L12-01 Out of Africa L12-01 Richard III The Villain's Career L12-01 Tensions and Possibilities L12-01 The 1930s - The Low Dishonest decade L12-01 The Dream of Lincoln L12-01 The Millennium In The Sixteenth Century L12-01 The Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution L12-02 A Message For Our Time L12-02 Baroque Opera, Part 2 L12-02 Become Who You Are -- Freedom, Fate & Free Will L12-02 Become Who You Are-Freedom, Fate, and Free Will L12-02 Buddhism in Japan
