
D3T01 D3T01 - "Green and Clean" Story D3T01 - Green and Clean Story d3t01 - Incident On 57th Street D3T01 - Lecture 05 (Part 1 of 7) d3t01 - The Discomfort Zone d3t01 Bartender D3T01 The Event Organizer d3t01 The Other One -> d3t01 Tim Solo (unknown) D3T01-Chapter_6-Part_5 D3T01-Star_Trek-Vulcan's_Heart D3T01_The Solution - Motivation D3T02 D3T02 - "Green and Clean" Story D3T02 - Green and Clean Story D3T02 - Lecture 05 (Part 2 of 7) d3t02 - Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) d3t02 - The Discomfort Zone d3t02 Crash Into Me (Dixie Chicken) d3t02 JTR D3T02 The Television Networks d3t02 Wharf Rat -> D3T02-Chapter_7-Part_1 D3T02-Star_Trek-Vulcan's_Heart D3T02_Match Methods to Circumstances D3T03 D3T03 - "Green and Clean" Story d3t03 - Born To Run D3T03 - Green and Clean Story D3T03 - Lecture 05 (Part 3 of 7) d3t03 - The Discomfort Zone d3t03 Ants Marching D3T03 Athletes and Their Entourages d3t03 Dancing Nancies d3t03 Throwing Stones -> D3T03-Chapter_7-Part_2 D3T03-Star_Trek-Vulcan's_Heart D3T03_When to Use Discipline D3T04 D3T04 - "Green and Clean" Story d3t04 - 10th Avenue Freeze Out (fades out) D3T04 - Green and Clean Story D3T04 - Lecture 05 (Part 4 of 7) d3t04 - The Discomfort Zone D3T04 A Balance of Power d3t04 E: Typical Situation d3t04 Lovelight d3t04 The Stone D3T04-Chapter_7-Part_3 D3T04-Star_Trek-Vulcan's_Heart D3T04_Ch5 - Make it Easy D3T05 D3T05 - Create Win-Win Agreements D3T05 - Lecture 05 (Part 5 of 7) d3t05 - Night Train (30·09·1978 / Fox Theater, Atlanta, GA) d3t05 - The Discomfort Zone d3t05 Drive In Drive Out d3t05 E: Knockin' on Heaven's Door d3t05 I'll Back You Up D3T05 Rule 6: Sponsorship Not a Spectator Sport D3T05-Chapter_7-Part_4 D3T05-Star_Trek-Vulcan's_Heart D3T05_Tools for Making it Easy D3T06 D3T06 - Create Win-Win Agreements D3T06 - Lecture 05 (Part 6 of 7) d3t06 - Medley - She's The One (30·09·1978 / Fox Theater, Atlant d3t06 - The Discomfort Zone d3t06 All Along the Watchtower D3T06 Suiting the Brand D3T06-Chapter_8-Part_1 D3T06-Star_Trek-Vulcan's_Heart D3T06_Advise When Necessary D3T07 d3t07 - Backstreets (30·09·1978 / Fox Theater, Atlanta, GA) D3T07 - Create Win-Win Agreements D3T07 - Lecture 05 (Part 7 of 7) d3t07 - The Discomfort Zone D3T07 Rule 7: Scandals Destroy Brands D3T07-Chapter_8-Part_2 D3T07-Star_Trek-Vulcan's_Heart D3T07_Ch6 - Stay Focused and Flexible D3T08 D3T08 - Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understoo D3T08 - Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood D3T08 - Lecture 06 (Part 1 of 6) d3t08 - Medley - Devil With A Blue Dress On (30·09·1978 / Fox Th d3t08 - The Discomfort Zone D3T08 Don't Be Defined by Enemies D3T08-Chapter_8-Part_3 D3T08-Star_Trek-Vulcan's_Heart D3T08_People Violate your Trust D3T09 D3T09 - Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understoo D3T09 - Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood D3T09 - Lecture 06 (Part 2 of 6) d3t09 - Raise Your Hand (30·09·1978 / Fox Theater, Atlanta, GA) d3t09 - The Discomfort Zone D3T09 Handling Public Fears
