act2- in questa reggia act2- non v'e in china per nostra fortuna act2- o mondo... omomdo act2- ola pang ola pong act2- popolo di pekino act2- straniero, ascolta act2- tre enigmi m'hai propostro act2- un giuramento atroce mi costringe Act2-Ah! Nulla! Sommesso Il Core Act2-Ai Nostri Fidi Nunzio Act2-Cavalier, Questo Foglio Act2-Cio m'accora...-Iago Act2-Credo in un Dio crudel-Iago Act2-D'un uom che geme sotto il tuo disdegno-Desdemona Act2-Del Piacer S'Avanza L'Ora! Act2-Desdemona rea!-Otello Act2-Dove guardi splendono-Chorus Act2-Era la notte, Cassio dormia-Iago Act2-La Vaghe Spose Act2-Ll Rossor Mi Copri Act2-Miei Fidi Amici Act2-Non ti cruccia-Iago Act2-O Patria, O Tu, Palermo Act2-Oh! monstruosa colpa-Otello Act2-Ora e per sempre addio-Otello Act2-Pace, signor-Iago Act2-Per Lui Non Ebbi Oltraggio! Act2-Prelude Act2-Presso Alla Tomba Ch'Apresi Act2-Quale, O Prode, Al Tuo Coraggio Act2-Santo Amor Che In Me Favelli Act2-Sc1-But ere we this perform-1st&2nd witch Act2-Sc1-Echo dance of furies Act2-Sc1-In our deep vaulted cell-Chorus Act2-Sc1-Ruined ere the set of sun?-1st&2nd witch, Sorceress Act2-Sc1-The Queen of Carthage whom we hate-Sorceress Act2-Sc1-Wayward sisters, you that fright-Sorceress,1st witch Act2-Sc2-Behold, upon my bending spear-Aeneas, Dido Act2-Sc2-Haste, haste to town-Belinda, Chorus Act2-Sc2-Oft she visits this lone mountain-2nd woman Act2-Sc2-Ritornelle Act2-Sc2-Stay, Prince, and hear great Jove's command-Spirit, ... Act2-Sc2-Stay, Prince, and hear great Jove's command-Spirit, Aen Act2-Sc2-Thanks to these lonesome vales-Belinda,Chorus ACT2-Scena 01 ACT2-Scena 02 ACT2-Scena 03a ACT2-Scena 03b ACT2-Scena 04 ACT2-Scena 05 ACT2-Scena 06 ACT2-Scena 07 ACT2-Scena 08 ACT2-Scena 09 ACT2-Scena 10a ACT2-Scena 10b ACT2-Scena 10c ACT2-Scena 11a ACT2-Scena 11b ACT2-Scena 12a ACT2-Scena 12b ACT2-Scena 13 ACT2-Scena 14 ACT2-Scena 15 Act2-Scene1 Act2-Scene1: Siam pentiti Act2-Scene2 Act2-Scene2: Presenteremo Act2-Scene3 Act2-Scene4 act2-scene4_1-the_mistress_shows_danillo_the_treasures_of_the_ea act2-scene4_2-duet_of_the_mistress_and_danilo act2-scene4_3-scene_and_waltz_of_the_diamonds act2-scene4_4-dance_of_the_russian_precious_stones act2-scene4_5-waltz act2-scene4_6-danilo's_monolog_and_the_mistresses_reply act2-scene4_7-the_mistress_shows_danilo_the_stone_flower act2-scene4_8-severyan_and_the_workers-the_mistress'_reply Act2-Scene5 act2-scene5_1-scene_and_katerina's_dance act2-scene5_2-severyan's_arrival act2-scene5_3-where_are_you_sweet_danilo act2-scene5_4-the_appearance_of_the_mistress-katerina's_joy Act2-Scene6 act2-scene6_1-ural_rhapsody Act2-Se inonscia, contro te, sposo, ho peccato-Desdemona Act2-Si, pel ciel marmoreo giuro!-Otello Act2-Tarantella Act2-Tu! Indeitro?! Fuggi!-Otello Act2-Vanne! la tua meta gia vedo-Iago Act2-Viva La Guerra! Act2.11 Aria (Medea) Act2.12 Recitativo Act2.13 Aria (Medea) Act2.21 Recitativo Act2.22 Duetto (Medea, Egeo) Act2.3 Recitativo Act2.4 Coro/Recitativo Act2.51 Recitativo Act2.52 Aria (Teseo)

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