Prince & The Band

Whose song is Prince & The Band?

Artist Album
3121 Las Vegas Vol.7 CD1
777-3121 CD2
Black Friday CD2
Copenhagen We Be Shakin'
Copenhagen We Be Shakin' - Aftershow at Vega 25.10.2002
Madison Square Garden--2004-07-14 (Disc 1)
Montreux Jazz Festival
Musicology Celebration 2004ever vol.3.2
Party Like It's 3121! (CD1)
Party Like It's 3121! (CD2)
The Park 2004
The Park 2004 disc 6
Vega Copenhagen
Prince & npg
Musicology Celebration 2004ever 2.3
Musicology Celebration 2004ever 4.2
Prince & NPG - Musicology Celebration 2004ever 1.4