Hu Elokeinu

Whose song is Hu Elokeinu?

Artist Album
Avraham Fried
"The Good Old Days"
The Good Old Days
Chabad Choir
Treasury of Lubavitcher Nigunim 1
Eitan Katz
Boruch Hu
Jakie Young
Yachad Na'amod: Together We Stand
Kahana Yosef Moshe
Lechaim Tish - Chabad
Monika Dziurlikowska
Moja latarnia
Chabad Nigunim Vol. 5
Rabbi Menachem Goldberger
L'cha Dodi
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach
U'vne Yerushalaim
Rabbi Zalman Goldstein
The Complete Shabbat Synagogue Companion
The Shabbat Synogogue Companion
Shlomo Carlebach
Greatest Hits Volume 3
Greatest Hits, Volume 1: Soul Songs
U'vne Yerushalaim
The London School of Jewish Song
London Live
The NYC Boys Choir
The Rabbi's Sons
Greatest Hits
Yossi Goldstein
Uv'oso Hazman