
Whose song is Hallowe'en?

Artist Album
Ann Vriend
"When We Were Spies" EP
When We Were Spies
Charles Ives
Symphony No. 2 / Central Park in the Dark / The Unanswered Quest
The String quartets
Charles Ives - Bernstein - New York Philharmonic
Charles Ives - Symphony No. 2
Charles Ives the Visionary
The Other Side of Japan
Jean Redpath
Jean Redpath: Leaving the Land
Leonard Bernstein
Symphony No. 2 / Central Park in the Dark / The Unanswered Quest
McGraw Hill
Share The Music - Grade 1:Disc 6
Share the Music-Grade 1-Disc 4
New York Philharmonic
Symphony No. 2 / Central Park in the Dark / The Unanswered Quest
Sharp and Sweet
Sonic Youth
Bad Moon Rising
Bad Moon Rising+
Tyte Stone
Im Jahr des Schafes