Haec Dies Quam Fecit Dominus

Whose song is Haec Dies Quam Fecit Dominus?

Artist Album
Gregorianischer Choral - Der Osterfestkreis
Gregorianischer Gesang - Der Osterfestkreis
Coro de monjes del Monasterio benedictino de Santo Domingo ...
Chant II
Coro de Monjes del Monasterio Benedictino de Santo Domingo de Si
Canto Live
Coro de monjes del Monasterio Benedictino de Santo Domingo de Si
Chant II
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Copenhagen Boys' Choir - Palestrina
John Sheppard
'Cantate' Mass and Other Sacred Choral Music (The Sixteen feat.
Church Music, Volume 1 (The Sixteen feat. conductor: Harry Chris
Josef Pembaur
Festmesse F-Dur
Nicolas Gombert
Eight Part Credo - Haec Dies - Salve Regina
Eight-Part Credo / Haec dies / Salve regina / Media vita / Lugeb
Sheppard, John (
Cantate Mass and other sacred choral music (CD1)
The Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos
Chant II
The Choir of Durham Cathedral (Lancelot)
Motets of William Byrd
The Golden Age Of English Polyphony
Vol. 9 - John Sheppard - The Sixteen, Harry Christophers
Various Artists
Anno 1630 (organ & harpsichord: Lorenzo Ghielmi, violin & vocals