
Whose song is D08T18?

Artist Album
Anna Quindlen
Rise and Shine
Anne Rice
The Vampire Chronicles - Book 9 - Blackwood Farm (Disk 08of18)
Anthony Swofford
Antony Everitt
Bernard Cornwell
The Pale Horseman - Disc 08
Vagabond - Disc 08
Bill Bryson
A Walk in the Woods - Disc 08
Brooks, Terry
High Druid Of Shannara (Disc 08)
Carl Hiaasen
Lucky You - Disc 08
Native Tongue - Disc 08
David Eddings
Belgariad Book 2 - Queen of Sorcery - Disc 08 of 12
Dean Koontz
Frankenstein - Prodigal Son
Lightning (Disk 08of12)
Diana Gabaldon
Book 4 - Drums of Autumn (Disc 08of39)
Diane Mott Davidson
Catering To Nobody
GB06 The Main Corpse
GB08 Prime Cut
GB10 Sticks & Scones
The Grilling Season
Tough Cookie
Eoin Colfer
Artemis Fowl The Time Paradox Disk 8
Frank Herbert
Hellstrom's Hive (Disk 08of10)
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Crime and Punishment
Crime and Punishment 08
George R. R. Martin
A Clash of Kings - Disc 08
A Feast for Crows
A Storm of Swords - Disc 8
Jacqueline Carey
Kushiel's Dart
James Lee Burke
DR04 A Morning for Flamingos
Heaven's Prisoners
Jasper Fforde, read by Simon Prebble
The Big Over Easy, 08 of 10
Ken Follett
Hornet Flight - Disc 08
Lois McMaster Bujold
McCarthy, Cormac
Cities of the Plain - Disc 08
Pearl S. Buck
The Good Earth - Disc08
Robert Jordan
Book 07 of The Wheel of Time - A Crown of Swords D08
It Pays to Talk (Disc 08)
T.C. Boyle
A Friend of the Earth - Disc 08
Drop City - Disc 08
The Tortilla Curtain - Disc 08
Terry Brooks
Genesis of Shannara - Book 3 - The Gypsy Morph (Disc 08of12)
Terry Goodkind
Chainfire - Disc 08
The Lost Chronicles
Volume 2 - Dragons of the Highlord Skies (Disc 08 of 13)
Tim Harford
The Undercover Economist
Tom Clancy
Games of State
Vince Flynn
Consent to Kill (8 of 15)