Cup of Wonder

Whose song is Cup of Wonder?

Artist Album
Faux Pas
Faux Feels
Jethro Tull
Heavy Horses / Songs From the Wood
Songs From The Wood
Songs from the Wood & Heavy Horses
Songs from the wood (1977) / Heavy Horses (1978)
Songs From The Wood (MSFL UDCD 734)
Songs From The Wood (Remastered)
Songs From The Wood (UltraDisc II)
Songs From The Wood / Stormwatch
Songs From The Wood / Too Old To Rock 'n' Roll; Too Young To Die
Songs From The Wood [Bonus]
Songs From the Wood [R]
War Child / Songs From The Wood
Jethro Tull - Ian Anderson
Songs From The Wood - Walk Into Light
The Bringers
It's About Time
A Second Wynd