
Whose song is Bewegt?

Artist Album
Berg - Webern
Concerto per violino - Opere orchestrali
Berlin PO, Karajan
Sinfonia Domestica
Celibidache - SWR
Symphonie Nr4 Romantic - 12 Mar 1969
Edith Picht-Axenfield
Sonata for Piano/Songs for an Early Hour - Robert Schumann
Eric Le Sage
Shumann- Klavierwerke & Kammermusik V CD2
Frederic Chiu/ Ravel - Decaux - Schoenberg
Frederic Chiu/ Ravel - Decaux - Schoenberg
Johannes Leertouwer, Julian Reynolds
Schumann - The complete Sonatas vor Violin and Piano
Robert Schumann
Oeuvres pour violon & piano
Siegfried Wagner
sinfonie in C Symphony in C
Suelo Mullaj & Massimo Palumbo
Tre sonate per violino e pianoforte