Whose song is 1904?

Artist Album
Benjamin Francis Leftwich
Last Smoke Before The Snowstorm
Diana Gabaldon
A Breath of Snow and Ashes part1 Disc 19
Fjodor Dostojewski
CD19 Limit
Harald Kloser
Alien Vs. Predator
James Ellroy
Endstation Leichenschauhaus
Jean Francois Gardeil Baritone and Billy Eidi Piano
Ravel - Poulenc Melodies
John Irving
Until I Find You
Jon Rose
Laboratorio Di Musica & Immagine
KING Stephen
Wahn 19
Kloser Harald
Alien Vs. Predator
Last Smoke Before The Snowstorm
Benjamin Francis Leftwitch
Marcel Proust
Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit 4 Sodom und Gomorra
Mimmo Locasciulli
Memories From Before Being Born
Memories From Before Being Born
Robert Musil
Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften
Shirer, William L.
19-The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
[The Rise and fall of the Third Reich - Disc 19
Stephen King
Suomen Laululeijonat
Toki Kallehin On Vapaus
The Tallest Man on Earth
There's no Leaving Now
Thomas Mann
Doktor Faustus 10
Tolstoi Leo
Krieg und Frieden 19
La gesta de Aparicio
Various Artists
Asaurus Records EP Club #3
Paste mPlayer #48